Understanding your business

Do all dental websites look the same to you - dull, mundane and lacking that "oomph"? Your practice is unique and different, and your website should be too.

Whether you want to boost new enquiries, promote a treatment or create an amazing user experience, designing the right dental website for your business requires real insight and knowledge. DenTek Digital combine dental and marketing expertise to build your business online.

Mobile Responsive Design

Over half of today’s customers use mobile devices to interact with websites.

It is our top priority to ensure that we deliver an optimal user-friendly experience for users of your website across the board, in particular enabling ease of navigation through the site with minimum resizing and scrolling.

An improved user experience can translate into a positive perception of your practice and it's brand. If your patient can access your website easily on all platforms, they’re more likely to return to you for more business going forward, consequently leading to a higher conversion rate for your website. In addition to this, social sharing can be made easier assisting you in growing a bigger market for your dental practice

DenTek Digital clients expect:

  • Compliance with the GDC, CQC, ICO and ASA regulations.
  • To attract ideal patients especially for the following categories private dentistry, dental implants, cosmetic dentistry and orthodontic treatments.

Let’s talk about the website your business needs

Whether your website’s needs a complete redesign or ranks badly on Google or needs new functionality, we’d love to hear from you.

call 07931422104

Our DenTek Digital websites ‘convert’ more patients

All of your marketing efforts and techniques are built to bring visitors to your website for this one simple purpose, to convert. The better your website works, the more visitors it converts to sales.

Ambitions, challenges and opportunities differ from one practice to another. Our performance identifies each of these attributes, and we will work with you in order to create a website that acts as a conversion tool in approaching your specific target market, whilst using design psychology to attract newer markets.

Smarter DenTek Digital Features

Websites have evolved to become smarter, faster and more efficient, with various new features. We recognize the necessity of having time saving resources and can implement features for your website to modify, add or expand as you wish.

Whether you want to add new promotions for particular treatments, our DenTek Digital CMS can do all of this and more. We do not place value in repetitive looking websites and so ensure that our websites have every single line of code for a reason. In this way you have a comprehensive package, giving you enhanced security, with an overall better user interface.

Social Media Marketing for Dental Practice

What is all the hype around Social Media and do you need to benefit from it? You may have tried doing all of this yourself, or given the responsibility to a member of your team, but how often is this compromised by the day to day requirements of looking after your patients?

Social media can be a great way to leverage the power of your brand and a grow a bigger market. Whether you have an existing social media profile or are due to create one, DenTek Digital are experts in integrating social media with your marketing initiatives.

We can help you to make your social media presence more visible, increasing awareness of your marketing efforts and fully manage and/or provide tips and guidance on handling your Social Media in-house.

"If a potential new patient has been to your site and followed a link to your Facebook page, reads a little bit about the practice and finds out small bits of what might seem like inconsequential information to you but it resonates with them, the relationship building process has already started.”